Just like the past couple of month's I am hosting two event this month too. You must have seen the Flavor's of Greece Announcement that was up a few hours back.
The second event for this month is Jagruthi's Know your series with the theme Know your dairy - Yogurt. Yogurt / Curd is one of my favorite ingredient and I am really looking forward to cooking with it.
Right from salads,beverages to main dishes and desserts, yogurt finds it place on the table. It is also used in several cuisines across the world.
Here are some health benefits of yogurt....
- Yogurt has a good amount of 'good' bacteria,ie live bacteria or
Probiotics that are essential to maintain healthy intestinal flora.For
this the yogurt must be prepared with live/active bacteria.It helps in
conditions like constipation/ diarrhoea/colon cancer/Inflammatory bowel
disease and H.pylori infection.
- Lactobacillus casei,a strain of bacteria helps in boosting the immunity.
- Calcium is one important mineral that is required to prevent
osteoporosis and yogurt has loads of this vital nutrient.[Calcium is
very important for women].Because of the presence of Calcium,it boosts
the body's ability to build bones.
- Prevents and heals arthritis.
- Protects against ulcer.
- It prevents vaginal yeast infections.
- It is also a good source of phosphorus,protein and energy.
- Last but not the least,a study proved that consuming around 90 grams
of yogurt/day reduces bad breath and the amount of bacteria coating the
tongue,reduces dental plaques,cavities and risk of gingivitis.
So shall we cook up some dishes with this healthy ingredient?
Some guidelines for the event....
- Cook and post a vegetarian dish with Yogurt / Curd as the star ingredient.
- Link your recipes to this announcement and to Jagruthi's Event announcement page.
- Send in as many recipes you like but only 2 recipes from the archives are accepted.
- Non bloggers are also welcome to participate
- The last date to send in your entries is April 30th 2013
- Drop me mail to seduceurtastebuds@gmail.com, with the following details and the subject line - Know Your Dairy - Yogurt
- Your name and the name of your blog
- The recipe and the URL
- A picture of your creation. [Kindly re-size your image ]
Recipes that use Yogurt to make buttermilk based dishes / drinks are accepted - like different flavored lassis etc. But the recipes that use buttermilk as such in recipes are not accepted. If you still have doubts, don't hesitate to mail me....
After mailing me your entry, leave a comment so that I can check my mailbox. I will acknowledge your mail within two days.
The roundup shall be posted within a week after the dead line
Looking forward to your dishes....

Labels: Event Announcement