This post is way over due.I got an award from Priya Sreeram, sowmya. Thanks you so much for passing it on girls.It means a lot to be recognized and appreciated :).....
I was tagged by Preeti and kurinji..Here is the first one...
Preeti of Ising cakes tagged me with these questions..
What are your favorite regional cuisines or specific foods?
I love Indian food .Be it from any region / state, its my love. Each state / region has a specific taste in its cuisine and they are unique to its culture.
If you could have any four people, from any where at your place for dinner, who would they be?
Just 4 people?! That's hard to decide..Let me see.... Hubby, my best buddy,and my grandparents and parents..Ooops that's not 4....
What made you decide to start your site?
Long time ago [read - 2007], I was a newly wed with lots of free time.I was browsing the net when I saw some food blogs.Around that time my best buddy asked me to share a few quick n easy recipes. So I thought it will be nice to start a food blog and that's how things got started.....
Give your Top 4 Food blogs that inspire you the most
The blogs I first saw were the ones that made me write.There are soo many but since you asked for 4 here they are - Meena's - Hooked on heat , Sailu's - Sailus Food , DK's Chef in You,and food blogs in
How would you describe your site to new readers?
My blog has a collection of recipes that can be prepared with ease and yet taste yum. You can also find articles on wellness and nutrition.
What’s the best and worst thing about being a food blogger?
The best thing about being a blogger is joy of trying out new recipes everyday and that your family gets to eat all the new stuffs that is cooked and for me its a get source of pride and happiness when being appreciated for it.Then the number of friends you make,visiting other blogs,trying out recipes,holding events,the numerous comments that encourage you carry on...there are so many things that bring joy to me as a blogger.
The worst thing it dealing plagiarism.Another thing is,sometimes when there is this writes block.You want to write but your mind does not have any inclination to pen a word.I have experienced it a couple of times in the past and its a really awful feeling.Luckily I got over it....
If you could just banish any one food, from the earth, what would it be?
Maybe I would banish all the high fat foods and those that are harmful to the body- In a word- all unhealthy stuffs.....
What’s the one super power you wish you had?
I wish my days were longer so that I can have more time to go visit all the blogs and also to spend more time with every one I love.
Kurinji of Kurinjikathambam has tagged me with this Questionnaire...
1.What is your take on organic food , is it a big deal for you ?
When I was in school we had a garden in front of our house.We grew many veggies like cauliflower,beans,cabbage, many varieties of greens and even had a strawberry patch.Everything we grew were organic.I loved to pick the fresh produce and knew it was the tastiest of all.Even now I have a Pumpkin patch,drumstick and gooseberry tree and a few other plants growing in my backyard.
I love to grow veggies and when we use it in our cooking I feel its safe coz its not ridden with all those harmful stuffs present in the ones got from the market.As far as possible I try to get organic foods that is luckily available at affordable rate.But I am not obsessed with Organic stuff either...
2. Do you time your breakfast,lunch and dinner or eat when you are hungry ?
Most of the times I try to maintain a dining schedule.Sometimes due to unavoidable reasons may skip a meal or eat late.
3. What inspired you to write a food blog ?
I have answered this in the tag above...
4. You try a new recipe and it does not turn out good,what will you do ?
I will not serve it to my family.But I check what went wrong and will make it once again.Once I perfect it, it will find its place on our table.Quite a few dishes have been hidden away from their sight and landed straight into the dustbin....
5. Name three ingredients you consciously avoid or eliminate even when the recipe calls for it ?
MSG,eggs in baked goods where I try to substitute it with something else,sugar in savory dishes.I avoid sugar while making dokhlas,khandvi etc
6. Name three things you have to use in most recipes ?
Salt [Of course!],cumin seeds and my love[hihihi]
7. How important is eating meals together as a family to you?
I hate to eat alone.Dinner is the time we dine together and its a nice time to catch up with the happenings of the day.I try to avoid TV during that time as it is more of a distraction.
8. You do not like a particular dish at your favorite restaurant, what will you do?
I will politely tell them that it does not taste good or why i felt it was not good and order something else.
It was fun doing this tag ..Hope you felt the same way reading it :)
Check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked today...Srivalli,Monika, Jayasree , Priya Suresh, Azeema, Priya Srinivasan, Reva ,Ayeesha , Soumya , Veena and Usha

Labels: Awards and Wins, Blogging Marathon