There are times when I can cook 10 dishes a day for the blog or when we have guests. But when it comes to cooking for me and me alone , I would rather prefer something that needs little or no cooking. Perhaps a milkshake or an easy salad will get more preference than cooking something elaborate.
There has always been an interest in collecting recipes that require no cooking. It has some advantages you know, like you can pamper the lazy you on certain days when you don’t feel like lighting the stove.
Have you ever faced such situations? If yes, then you can share with me some ‘no cook’ recipes. If you have never faced felt lazy to cook for yourself then it is time to ‘imagine’ you are lazy and whip up some dishes that needs no cooking.
Apart from this there are a few more reasons behind this event.
We can create a collection of 'easy breezy' no cook dishes!In case you run out of gas supply and have a sudden power cut[I know the chances of this happening is one in a million,but yet...],then we can use some dishes from our collection!
And yes,there are our bachelor [and bachelorette [;)] friends who come home tired after a days work and are in no mood to cook or go out for dinner but would like to whip up something at home that involves very few steps.Our event could help them too!
So ,here is what you we are [not] going to do…..
- No use of microwave, stove top, hot plate or any other means for cooking
- Can’t use left over ‘cooked’ dishes like rice / chapathi etc
- Use of processed foods that just to need to add hot water and eat are not allowed.
We can of course do/use these
- Sundry
- Ice cream maker
- Refrigerate / chill
- Blender / Mixer /Juicer
Some ideas to get started
- Smoothies / shakes / juices / Fruit punch
- Salads – Vegetables and fruits
- Spreads / Salad dressings
- Ice creams
- Cold soups
- Sun dried veggies or other goodies,pickles
- I guess we can include sandwiches too.
If you can prepare a no cook breakfast/lunch,then you sure are creative!!!
Ready for the challenge ? Let’s get innovative and cook a ‘no cook’ meal!!!
1. Prepare and post a vegan / vegetarian recipe that does not require any sort of cooking.
2. Mail me the following details to with 'no cook event' in the subject line...
• Your name
• Blog name
• Recipe name and category[starters , beverages, breakfast/ lunch/ dinner menus, desserts, salads etc]
• Recipe url
• Picture of your creation.
3. Be sure to add the link to this event so that many more can join our fun.
4. Do you have a dish ready in your blog that meets these criteria? Great! Then don’t hesitate to send them to me. Just re-post it with a link to the announcement.
5. No limit to the number of recipes that you can send.
6. The deadline is Feb 28th 2010.
If you have any doubts/questions please feel free to send me a mail.
What are you waiting for! Run to the kitchen and whip up a dish that needs no cooking and send them to me…
Happy ‘no’ cooking….

Labels: Event Announcement