For this month, we are doing the A-Z theme for Blogging Marathon and when the list came up, I looked for something that would fall into the alphabets that I have not posted yet. And then I found this Shamrock shake recipe but I have a very new and favorite recipe for S so I googled the other names for this shake and hence posting this for 'L'
So, this was the one I tried for Taste and Create, a monthly event started by Nicole of 'For The Love Of Food' now carried on by Min of 'Bad Girl's Kitchen'.
This shake is supposed to be a St.Patrick Day Special. This day is named after the Saint who is the most commonly recognised of the patron of Saints of Ireland.St. Patrick Day or The Feast of St. Patrick is celebrated on March 17th each year and is a religious and cultural holiday.
Usually the color green is associated with this holiday but I read that the initial color was blue! And it was also interesting to note that the Chicago lake is dyed green for this day!
This green drink recipe is a popular one and is even on the Mc Donnald menu. This is nothing but a mint flavored green colored milkshake...