I am happy to announce that I am hosting Pari's ONLY series, here on Seduce Your Tastebuds. I have chosen – VEGAN Cooking as the theme…
Veganism is a form of Vegetarian diet that is gaining popularity all over the world. In this diet,all animal foods are avoided.All forms of Meat , Eggs, Dairy products and all the foods derived from animal sources are excluded .Some Vegans also avoid using leather,
furs and wool too!
So let us cook some vegan dishes this month.To help you select ingredients to cook for this event, check out these links that details on Foods that can be used and Foods to be avoided
And a few sites that can help you to choose recipes...
Holy Cow
101 cookbooks
or you can veganize any dish of your choice.....
As you must be aware this event comes with a giveaway.[Since I am hosting this event, I am not eligible for the giveaway...]
Rules for winning the giveaway
1. You need to follow Pari's blog publicly and
2. You need to like Foodelicious's facebook fan page here
The winner will be picked by Pari after the event round up by random method. The winner will need to provide her with an address in India cookingoodfood@gmail.com so
that she can make arrangements for getting the giveaway delivered.
Rules of The Event
- Any number of fresh
entries can be sent but only 2 enties from the archives will be accepted.
Archived entries have to be reposted, else will not be accepted.
- Since the theme is - Only vegan dishes ,kindly take a look at the list of foods to avoid / include and send in only VEGAN recipes..
- Use of logo is mandatory as it helps spread the word.
- The entry should be linked back to my event announcement page and Pari's
'Only'-Vegan Cooking giveaway page.
- The winner of the book from Tarla Dalal will be chosen by Pari by random.
org at the end of the event.
- Non bloggers can also participate, in that case they can send entries to me and I can post them on their behalf
- Dead line is 28th Feb 2013.
- All entries to be sent via email to me at seduceurtastebuds@gmail.com
Format for sending entry (Please stick to this format)
- Blog's name and your name
- Recipe name
- Recipe link
- Picture of your creation resized to 300 pixel
- Participating in the giveaway Yes/ No
Looking forward to your tasty vegan dishes...
Labels: Event Announcement