Then next vitamin on the list is Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin.This vitamin got its name from the word 'flavus' meaning ' yellow' .You might have noticed the yellow color of the B complex supplement.Well,it comes form our Vitamin B3 / Riboflavin.
Apart from being used as a supplement ,this yellow-orange colored vitamin is also used as a food coloring agent.The other interesting use is that it is used to fortify a wide range of food stuffs ranging from baby food,sauces,cereals,pastas,fruits drinks and energy drinks.Milling process results in a loss of this vitamin and hence certain cereals are fortified with Riboflavin in many countries.
Functions in the body
- Required for the energy production
- To protect the cells from oxygen damage
- Maintain the supply of vitamins in the B complex group
Sources :
- Mushroom
- Spinach
- Romaine lettuce
- Turnip greens
- Asparagus
- Chard
- Mustard greens
- Broccoli
- Collard greens
- Okra
- Persimmons
- Banana
- Venison
- Calf liver
- Chicken eggs
- Cow's milk and yoghurt
- Cheese
- Legumes esp. Kidney beans and green been
- Almonds
- Wheat bran
Deficiency :
- Early deficiency involves eye related problems like - Watery eyes, burning and itching in and around the eyes,loss of clear vision.
- There is an increased sensitivity to light
- Soreness around the mouth,lips and tongue,cracking at the corners of the mouth.
- Peeling of the skin especially around he nose.
- When Riboflavin deficiency combines with protein energy malnutrition or alcoholism,it leads to a condition called Ariboflavinosis.
- It may also manifest as insomnia and hair loss ,slow mental response
When is there an increased need of Riboflavin intake :
- People who perform strenuous exercises especially women.
- Anemia
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Cataracts
- Migraine
- Vaginitis
Drug-nutrient interaction:
- There is a decrease in the availability of Riboflavin in the body when one is on birth control pills /oral contraceptives,antibiotics like tetracycline,certain anti depressant drugs,anti malarial /anti gout drugs
- Alcoholism
- When there is an inadequate supply of B1 the riboflavin availability is less.
- If riboflavin is deficient,the availability of Iron,Zinc,Folate,Vitamin B3,B12 are not fully available to the body.
Factors affecting Riboflavin in foods :
- Light causes damage to Vitamin B2 and hence store the foods away from direct sunlight.
- Cook the food in covered containers to minimize the losses of this vitamin
Eat healthy,Live Happy...

Labels: Nutrients demystified